Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Excel Menus and Toolbars

This is a comprehensive list of menus,toolbars and their related commands and functions found in Microsoft Excel 2003. The following table lists the action of these toolbars when clicked. The table lists the commands as in the Excel Worksheet Menu Bar.The table shows the related command in the menu, the action that would happen when clicking on it and the associated keyboard shortcut if any.Any extra information or tips is given in brackets.This section contains all commands available.
If you want to know more about a particular menu,click on it to take it to the respective menu page.
In Excel,you could notice in the Worksheet Menu Bar that one letter is underlined in every menu.For example in the File Menu, the letter "F" would be underlined.This indicates that if you press Alt key and the F key at the same time the File Menu would be displayed.This is true for all menu items.Thus by using Alt key in combination with the respective key we can trigger any menu.The entire list is given below:

File->ALT + F
Edit ->ALT + E
View->ALT + V
Inset->ALT + I
Format->ALT + O
Tools->ALT + T
Data->ALT + D
Window->ALT + W
Help->ALT + H

You could notice that the shortcuts are based on the first letters of the respective menu except the format menu which starts with the second letter.Thus you could easily remember these shortcuts.

When you click on a menu, you could notice that the menu items are also underlined. These can be triggered by pressing the underlined letter with the Shift Key. For example, after pressing ALT+F to trigger the File Menu, you may press SHIFT Key+S Key to save the file. Generally this is not used but you may learn it if you repeat a certain action. This key combination has no effect on the default shortcut keys.You may press CTRL+S to save a file at any time. It should be noted that the combination with the SHIFT key works only after selecting the respective menu.

How Shortcuts are assigned by Excel?
Default keyboard shortcuts are assigned based on the command name plus the Control Key for easily remembering it. For example,
Opening a file - Command Open - Keyboard shortcut CTRL+O
Saving a file - Command Save - Keyboard shortcut CTRL+S
Creating a new file - Command New- Keyboard shortcut CTRL+N
You could know the command name by moving your mouse over the respective toolbar

For menus, shortcuts are assigned based on the first letter of the menu name plus the ALT key. For example
File Menu - ALT+F
Edit Menu - ALT + E
If two menus start with the same letter, then for the second menu the second letter is made as shortcut. For example
File Menu - ALT+F
Format Menu - ALT+O
If three menus start with the same letterm then for the third menu the third letter is made as shortcut and son oon.

For menu items, the above same principle applies. The only difference being they are triggered by pressing the appropriate key with the SHIFT key.Remember this combination works only when the initial menu(also called parent menu) is triggered first. You may select a menu and could watch it out.

The above holds good for all applications such as Microsot Word, Powerpoint,AutoCAD etc., since it is a industry standard

Menus and toolbars infact do the same action, the difference being you should navigate towards the menu to select the appropriate action while clicking the toolbar triggers the action immediately. Whatever seen in the menus is available as toolbars and whatever is available as toolbars can be navigated through the menus.Thus,we have understood the basic of menus and shortcuts, you could proceed to the menus available in Excel and their corresponding functions

The File Menu
The Edit Menu
The View Menu
The Inset Menu
The Format Menu
The Tools Menu
The Data Menu
The Window Menu
The Help Menu

1 comment:

ecocard casinos said...

And there is a similar analogue?